Written by SaleHoo.com©© All Rights Reserved
1. Items under $10
It sounds like a great idea - after all, everyone likes a bargain don't they? But items that sell for under $10 have one big problem: Shipping. It's quite likely that the shipping for the item will cost more than the item itself and this can be very off-putting to buyers. For example, if the item costs $4.50 and shipping costs $6, the total cost for the item is $10.50. If the buyer can purchase the item at their local store for $8, then this suddenly becomes a much better deal. For small items and accessories, the way to get around this problem is by grouping the items together, such as sets of 6 golf-balls or 5 tea towels.
2. Products everyone else is selling
Many sellers think that the best way to get started on eBay is to sell items that everyone else is selling. Surely those super hot items such as ipods, cell phones, psps and so on will be a quick route to riches? Well, no. The sellers who are already selling these items are not only more established on eBay - and thus familiar to and trusted by buyers - but they will be able to buy wholesale stock in larger bulks lots than you will, so their prices will always be better. Thus it will almost certainly be very difficult for you to make a profit in a market that is already well supplied.
3. Things you love...but no-one else does
Hobbies can be a great way of making money, but only if plenty of other people are interested in them, too.
Another scenario is when you find a product that you think is absolutely wonderful and could be the next best thing...but no-one seems interested in buying it. Oh well you think, it's only short term, eventually they'll learn about my item and start flocking to buy it. Ah, no they won't. It's lonely work trying to educate people on the benefits of a product all on your own. As fabulous as the product might be, it's nigh-on impossible to start a trend on your own. To make money from a trend, you need magazines and newspapers, word of mouth and television to do some of the work for you.
4. Difficult items to ship - e.g. fragile china and plants
Now I'm not saying that these are bad items to sell altogether. Many sellers do very well from these items. But I don't suggest you sell such difficult items when you are first starting out. All these type items have an above-average shipping risk, particularly if not packed properly. As a new seller, any negative feedback you receive at this early stage could be especially damaging to your career.
5. Very large items
Thinking of starting with furniture or pianos? Unless you already have experience selling and shipping these items, then it might be wise to start with something smaller. Shipping such large items is a major operation. Not only that, these items will sell less often than mid-priced items as they won't attract the same number of impulse buyers.
About the Author: SaleHoo is one of the fastest growing product sourcing portals on the internet. It contains a database of drop ship, wholesale, closeout and manufacturing suppliers offering thousands of product suppliers to consumers! Located at SaleHoo, visitors are allowed to sign up for unlimited and lifetime access to the completely searchable database of products and suppliers. The database is regularly updated, ensuring that the latest retail products are always available for purchase and SaleHoo carries the BBB Reliability Seal!
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Tuesday, November 4, 2008
Sunday, November 2, 2008
Hi, all.
It's been a while since I have had time to post anything, but I'm determined to keep this updated at least once a week, so stick with me here.
I know alot of people are beating their heads against the wall trying to find a way to make some money online, and I am, too. My inbox is full every day with this great offer, or that one thing that everyone has been waiting for. Frankly, I am sick of it.
But, what's a person to do?
It is my belief that branding is very important on the internet today, so people will know that you are a real person, not just some computer screen somewhere in BFE.
That is one of the reasons that James & I have been steadfast in branding ourselves as BooKooGuru. Not only do we have our online store, BooKooGuru, but many of our friends know us on MySpace as BooKooGuru as well. You can also find us at Twitter.
Enough about us. What about you and how I can help you start to make money online?
Well, the first thing I can tell you is that you will be very lucky to find a way to "get rich quick" on the internet. Alot of people have lost alot of money in all the traps, so don't fall for that.
The first thing I will advise you to do is go down to your local bank and open a free checking account just for your online activity. Most banks will let you have a free account for around $100 and don't keep more than that in there at any one time. My little local bank here even has online banking so I can move funds easily out of that small account into my main bank account. Almost all "money making" avenues on the internet are going to require you give up your personal information, so just get over it. That's the reason for the seperate bank account.
After you get your bank account set up, use it to get your free Revolution Money Exchange Account. This is a real bank in New York with a real phone number and real people you can talk to. I had to call them when I was setting my account up, and they are very friendly and helpful. Don't be afraid, you can make some real money real fast with this service.
Make sure you follow me on Twitter. It will help you get traffic to your website or blog and it's FREE.
If you have any questions or just want to chat, contact me here.
Back soon with more.
Sincerely, Ramona
Here's one of my favorite manual traffic exchanges. Great games & extras.
Mythology Surf
It's been a while since I have had time to post anything, but I'm determined to keep this updated at least once a week, so stick with me here.
I know alot of people are beating their heads against the wall trying to find a way to make some money online, and I am, too. My inbox is full every day with this great offer, or that one thing that everyone has been waiting for. Frankly, I am sick of it.
But, what's a person to do?
It is my belief that branding is very important on the internet today, so people will know that you are a real person, not just some computer screen somewhere in BFE.
That is one of the reasons that James & I have been steadfast in branding ourselves as BooKooGuru. Not only do we have our online store, BooKooGuru, but many of our friends know us on MySpace as BooKooGuru as well. You can also find us at Twitter.
Enough about us. What about you and how I can help you start to make money online?
Well, the first thing I can tell you is that you will be very lucky to find a way to "get rich quick" on the internet. Alot of people have lost alot of money in all the traps, so don't fall for that.
The first thing I will advise you to do is go down to your local bank and open a free checking account just for your online activity. Most banks will let you have a free account for around $100 and don't keep more than that in there at any one time. My little local bank here even has online banking so I can move funds easily out of that small account into my main bank account. Almost all "money making" avenues on the internet are going to require you give up your personal information, so just get over it. That's the reason for the seperate bank account.
After you get your bank account set up, use it to get your free Revolution Money Exchange Account. This is a real bank in New York with a real phone number and real people you can talk to. I had to call them when I was setting my account up, and they are very friendly and helpful. Don't be afraid, you can make some real money real fast with this service.
Make sure you follow me on Twitter. It will help you get traffic to your website or blog and it's FREE.
If you have any questions or just want to chat, contact me here.
Back soon with more.
Sincerely, Ramona
Here's one of my favorite manual traffic exchanges. Great games & extras.
Mythology Surf
Saturday, June 21, 2008
Great Way to Get Traffic to your Website
All our friends know us as BooKooGuru, James & Ramona. We have found a great new way to get traffic and it's totally free. Click on any link below for more information.
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Thursday, April 10, 2008
Great New Online Money Exchange!
Hello, All my Friends and customers.
If you see anything on my store or my blog, use this button to buy it now with no fees, plus until 4-15-08 you get $25 free just for signing up!! That's like getting a $25 coupon off any item in my store! WOW! Buy that item you have been looking at now. Free shipping and $25 free money!!

If you see anything on my store or my blog, use this button to buy it now with no fees, plus until 4-15-08 you get $25 free just for signing up!! That's like getting a $25 coupon off any item in my store! WOW! Buy that item you have been looking at now. Free shipping and $25 free money!!

Tuesday, January 29, 2008
Fiery Ace, Finally Finished!
This blog will be to give all our friends information about the great products that we have in our store. I will be highlighting a different product each day.
Today I would like to introduce you to the art of James Schultz.
This series of original paintings are done in acrylics on 16" x 20" canvas.
The first is called "Fiery Ace", which as most know is Ace Frehley of the Rock Band, KISS.
There are other paintings in this series available which you can see by clicking on this photo.

The other paintings are called "Fiery Paul" (Paul Stanley, KISS) and "Fiery Peter" (Peter Criss, KISS). James is currently working in the final painting in the series, "Fiery Gene" (Gene Simmons, KISS)
Click on the photo to be taken to our online store for purchasing information.
I will feature another item tomorrow. Check back or go directly today to see all our Rock & Roll memorabilia, Hard Rock Cafe pins, and hand-crafted Artisan Jewelry.
Click on Gretta's pic to go to our store home page. From there you can see all we have.
Today I would like to introduce you to the art of James Schultz.
This series of original paintings are done in acrylics on 16" x 20" canvas.
The first is called "Fiery Ace", which as most know is Ace Frehley of the Rock Band, KISS.
There are other paintings in this series available which you can see by clicking on this photo.
The other paintings are called "Fiery Paul" (Paul Stanley, KISS) and "Fiery Peter" (Peter Criss, KISS). James is currently working in the final painting in the series, "Fiery Gene" (Gene Simmons, KISS)
Click on the photo to be taken to our online store for purchasing information.
I will feature another item tomorrow. Check back or go directly today to see all our Rock & Roll memorabilia, Hard Rock Cafe pins, and hand-crafted Artisan Jewelry.
Click on Gretta's pic to go to our store home page. From there you can see all we have.

Sunday, January 27, 2008
gene & paul mylar
Wednesday, January 23, 2008
Sunday, January 20, 2008
Wednesday, January 9, 2008
What's New?
Hi, friends. Sorry to be so long since my last post, but things have been kinda wild around here. We thought the holiday season would be sorta uneventful, since all we had planned was to eat a dinnner with James' parents and brothers on Christmas day, and stay home away from all the drunk drivers on New Years Eve. That is pretty much our SOP for every holiday season. Why would this year be any different, right?
Well, God had something else in mind for us, and it started on the morning of Dec. 19, at around 7:20 AM. James had been gone on his way to work for about 20 minutes when the phone rang. I didn't recognize the number or name on the caller ID, so when I answered and heard James' panicked voice, I was quite surprised. His words were "Ramona, you've got to come up here. I just totaled my truck!" He told me quickly where he was, and I could here alot of voices and noise in the background.
I jumped up and as I drove the 15 miles to the accident scene, I was trying desperately to prepare myself for whatever was to come. When I approached the area, I could see flashing lights, etc., all you would expect at such a time. I saw the truck down in a 15-20 ft. embankment laying on the passenger side and a huge flatbed wrecker in the process of pulling it upright and out. Then I finally saw James standing on the side of the highway, and what a relief.
As it turns out, he had taken his eyes off the road for a few seconds, the road made a slight curve to the right, and when he looked back, he was off the road on the left, rolled 3/4 and the pictures tell the rest. We are thankful that he was able to push his door open and climb right out. He was really banged up, but overall, he came out "smelling like a rose" considering the area and the depth of his fall.
Unfortunately for us, the only insurance we had on the truck was liability since we have had it paid for for about 3 years. It turned out to be a huge loss, and we spent the next week or so trying to find a truck to replace ours. It seems that the 4x4 Toyota Tacoma Ext. Cab 6 Cyl. Pickup is a pretty hot number. Every one we found for sale was either all ragged out or so expensive we simply couldn't even consider it.
Finally, after much internet searching, we found one at a Toyota dealer in Grapevine, TX which is about 60 miles from where we live. The pictures looked great and the price was reasonable considering what it was. It is a one-owner truck and the guy who traded it in bought a new Tundra 4x4 (upgrade, I guess). We drove a Tundra a few days before at another dealer, but it's just not the same as the Tacoma.
Anyway, the day we were there buying it, there were about 3 other people who had seen it on the internet and were trying to buy it also, as far away as San Antonio and Tulsa, Ok. We were fortunate to get there when we did. The truck is almost identical to the wrecked one, just 3 years newer and a few upgrades. It's even the same color exterior, different interior. I'll post some pictures in a few days.
James likes it fine, he just didn't want to take on a car payment right now, but you've got to do what you've got to do, right?
I hope you all will visit our store and maybe buy an item or two. We need all the help we can get right now. Thanks. Your friend, Ramona

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